Illinois Times: Keeping our community informed for nearly 50 years.
Illinois Times has been providing high-quality reporting on local issues
since 1975. Our mission is to inform our community about the things that
matter, from uncovering corruption to celebrating the culture that makes our
city great.
We are a free publication, and we rely on the support of our readers and
advertisers to keep our doors open. Over the years, we have faced many
challenges, including the disruption of social media and the COVID-19 pandemic.
However, we believe that quality, fact-based journalism is essential to a
healthy democracy and more important now than ever before.
Without local news organizations, we would be less informed about the
issues that affect our community. We would not know about what is happening behind closed doors, or the important work that is being done to
make our city a better place.
We ask you to join us in supporting local independent journalism. Your
financial contribution will help us to continue to report on the stories that
matter and to ensure that our community is informed and engaged.
Here are some of the ways that your support will make a difference:
will allow us to hire more journalists to cover more stories.
will help us to pay for the printing and expanded distribution of our
will allow us to invest in new technology to improve our reporting.
Thank you for your support!
If you prefer to mail a check, please do. It will save us on credit card processing fees. Send the contribution, along with your contact info, to:
Illinois Times
c/o Subscriptions
1240 S. Sixth Street
Springfield, IL 62703
Questions? Call 217-679-7814 or email